Official details of the Stone of the Sun

It is considered a Cuauhxicalli (a receptacle or an eagle’s “jicara” or cup), a place where allegedly human hearts were deposited as an offering to the divinity.  Undoubtedly this carries a very deep significance.  In the epochs of the ancient Mexican splendors there were no human sacrifices.  The concept of sacrifice was related to the elimination of our personal passions (as in “offering the heart”) to enable the expression of authentic wisdom, the spirituality of the Human Being.

The geometrical accuracy of this anthropological jewel is marvelous.  It leaves no doubt towards understanding that its designers were men of wisdom, knowledgeable of the most pure sciences.  Its glyphs points to the days, months, years, centuries, cosmogonic eras, the history of humanity, all dating from millions of years ago.

It weighs 24.5 tons (49,000 pounds), its diameter measures at 3.57 meters (11.71 feet) and it is carved in olivine basalt.
It is said the Aztecs received from the Toltecs the blueprint for the calendar and the model on the year 1094, following the indications of Huitzilopochtli.  Later in time, Izxoatl ordered the stone to be carved and it was completed in the year 1479, while Azayacatl reigned, when it was placed on the major temple.

The Stone was buried at the time the idols were destroyed during the time of the Spanish conquering, and it was later discovered on the year 1790 and moved to the occidental tower of the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City, where it remained until the year 1885.  It was afterwards transported to the Museum of Anthropology and Mexican History, where it still remains.

Along its circumference the calendar held eight stakes tied with strings.  These stakes were 90 cm in height (approximately 3 feet or 35.4 inches) and they were meant to be driven to the ground so as to hold the calendar horizontally, with its carved face facing upward towards the Sun.  These strings crisscrossed as straight lines across the carved surface, and from this array of lines emerged a series of figures that resembled the well known Cross of Saint Andrew (known also as the Cross of Quetzalcoatl) and the Cross of Malta.  The coordinated shadows of the stakes and the strings together registered the daily path of the Sun over the surface of the carved stone and it pointed to precise dates, times and temporal spaces.


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