- Index
- Dedication
- Authors
- Introduction
1 - Tonatiuh
2 - Cosmogonic Epochs
- The Five Suns
- The Jaguar Sun
- The Sun of Wind
- The Sun of the Rain of Fire
- The Sun of Water
- The Sun of the Earthqueakes
- The Four Cardinal Points
3 - Tonalli
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
4 - Solar Rays
5 - The Serpentine Binary
6 - The Edge of the Stone
7- Aztec Cosmogony
- Official Details
- How the Aztecs measured Time
- The Aztecs Months
- Glossary
- Bibliography
- Images
- Back Cover
- Book in Word Format
- Book in PDF Format
*Aun Weor, V. M. Samael (and all his works are here cited):
Gnostic Anthropology. Electronic version of the book. Web page of the Quetzalocatl Cultural Institute; www.samaelgnosis.net Downloaded January of 2006.
Solar Bodies. Electronic version of the book. Web page of the Quetzalocatl Cultural Institute; www.samaelgnosis.net Downloaded January of 2006.
Esotherical Treatise of Rune Magic. Electronic version of the book. Web page of the Quetzalocatl Cultural Institute; www.samaelgnosis.net Downloaded January of 2006.
Secret Doctrine of Anahuac. Electronic version of the book. Web page of the Quetzalocatl Cultural Institute; www.samaelgnosis.net Downloaded January of 2006.
The Parsifal Unveiled. Electronic version of the book. Web page of the Quetzalocatl Cultural Institute; www.samaelgnosis.net Downloaded January of 2006.
Aztec Christic Magic. Electronic version of the book. Web page of the Quetzalocatl Cultural Institute; www.samaelgnosis.net Downloaded January of 2006.
Christmas Message of 1965-66. Electronic version of the book. Web page of the Quetzalocatl Cultural Institute; www.samaelgnosis.net Downloaded January of 2006.
The Perfect Matrimony. Electronic version of the book. Web page of the Quetzalocatl Cultural Institute; www.samaelgnosis.net Downloaded January of 2006.
Gazing into the Mystery. Electronic version of the book. Web page of the Quetzalocatl Cultural Institute; www.samaelgnosis.net Downloaded January of 2006.
Mayan Mysteries. Electronic version of the book. Web page of the Quetzalocatl Cultural Institute; www.samaelgnosis.net Downloaded January of 2006.
Quetzalcoatl (Audio Conference in mp3 format. Source: www.samaelgnosis.net/audios ).
The Wisdom of the Being – Conference Transcript (Archives of the Quetzalcoatl Cultural Institute).
Gnostic Symbolism of Animals. – Conference Transcript (Archives of the Quetzalcoatl Cultural Institute).
About the Mayan and Nahua Cultures – (Archives of the Quetzalcoatl Cultural Institute).
Treatise on AlchemyElectronic version of the book. Web page of the Quetzalocatl Cultural Institute; www.samaelgnosis.net Downloaded January of 2006.
Esotherical Treatise on Theurgy. Electronic version of the book. Web page of the Quetzalocatl Cultural Institute; www.samaelgnosis.net Downloaded January of 2006.
*Caso Alfonso: El Pueblo del Sol – 1st Ed., 1953, 5th printing 1986 - Fondo de Cultura Económica.
*Chavero, Alfredo: México a través de los siglos – 17th Ed., December 1976 - Editorial Compañía General de Ediciones, S.A.
*García, Valadés: Aztec Calendar - Mapa Fácil - Editores, S.A.
*González Torres, Yalolotl: Dictionary of Mythology and Religions of MesoAmerica - Ediciones Larousse, S.A. de C.V.
*Seler, Eduard: Comments on the Borgia Codex I - Fondo de Cultura Económica, México – 1st Ed. In Spanish, 1963.
*Wolf Werner: The Symbols of the Mayans and the Aztecs –Vol. 9, The Capacitation Institute for the Magistery – Secretariat of Public Education – Printing of August 15, 1963.