Gnosis - Quetzalcoatl Cultural Institute

Gnosis ICQ in: Spanish | Francais:

Recorded Gnostic Practice

Practice performed live on Tuesdays at 8 pm. (CST)

Click the Play button and that's it!


Developing Intuition.

Download the audio file: Developing Intuition.

We sugest you to perform this practice every day of the present week.

Note: If the sound stops it may be due to your bandwidth, click the "Play" button, then click the "Pause" button, waith for the audio to load up (the yellow indicator will tell you the completed percentage). Once it has totally loaded click again the "Play"button and listen the complete practice.

*Our goal is to form a World wide Meditation room and by doing this, to help others with the force it is generated during the practices, and also we try to give unity to the gnostic group, and its not about mechanize the practices, you should last your own time in the practice according to your spiritual needs, this practices should be taken just as a guide, something that helps you to start your discipline.