Course of Meditation
Meditation is the Wise Man's dairy bread, if we really are looking for a key to know ourselves, the Meditation is fundamental; through it one can achieve harmonious states and discover the causes of our problems in order to get out of them.
Addressed to: Everybody, no matter the social level, culture, age, schooling, sex, religion, etc.
Objective: The Goal is to apply in our daily life the Kabbalah's knowledge, to acquire a tool to understand the world's sacred books and the revelations delivered in our dreams.
Cost: There is no cost.
The Course has 3 lessons.
The Dynamic is: The lessons are sent one at a time, it is suggested to study and meditate it, after this you answer and send a simple questionnaire with 4 questions, with your doubts and comments. When we get them we will send you the next lesson, as well as your answers. This means that the course is personalized. A Gnosis Instructor will attend your doubts.
The knowledge is based in the four basic pillars: Science, Art, Philosophy and Transcendental Mysticism.
Fulfill the next formulary and we gladly will send you the requested Course.