Previous Gnostic Questions
h1>Why is sincerity so important?Answer from the V.M. Samael Aun Weor.
191- We must cultivate sincerity, because in the substance of sincerity the most beautiful flowers of the spirit germinate.
Igneous Rose. Samael Aun Weor.
Answer from the Book "The Esoteric Pentagram in Gnosis.".
Meanwhile, deep within, the human being yearns for self-realization, unfortunately the state of unconsciousness in which he led his life was tinged with self-deception, caused by daydreams and ignorance, which served to manifest the stubborn ego, distancing him from sincerity and leading him to a life of acting, according to the different psychological aggregates that, like actors in a play, moved the person like a puppet. The most regrettable thing is to know that, despite the fact that the human being sensed the perversity of the ego with which he was manipulated, he allowed himself to be carried away in thought, feeling and emotions by those psychic aggregates.
The Magazine "The Wisdom of Being" 102: "Sincerity ."