Why shouldn't we criticize others' religions?

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Answers from the books of Samael Aun Weor


All religions are precious stones strung on the golden thread of the Divinity. Religions conserve the eternal values; false religions do not exist. All religions are necessary, all religions fulfill their mission in life.

It is absurd to say that the neighbor’s religion is useless and that only ours is authentic. If the neighbor’s religion is not good, then neither is mine good because the values are always the same.

It is stupid to say that the religion of the indigenous tribes of America is idolatry; therefore, they also have the right to say that our religion is idolatry. And if we laugh at them, they can also laugh at us. And if we say that they adore or adored idols, then they can also say that we adore idols.

We cannot discredit the religion of others without discrediting ours also, because the principles are always the same. All religions have the same principles.

Under the sun, every religion is born, grows, develops, multiplies into many sects and dies. This is how it has always been and will always be.

Religious principles never die. The religious forms can die, but the religious principles, in other words, the eternal values, never die. They continue; they are robed with new forms.

Religion is inherent to life in the same manner that humidity is to water.

There are profoundly religious men who do not belong to any religious form.

People without religion are conservative and reactionary by nature. Only the religious man achieves the Revolution of the Dialectic.

There is no reason that justifies religious wars like those of Ireland. It is absurd to classify others as unfaithful, heretics or pagans, because of the simple fact of their not belonging to our religion.

The sorcerer, who in the heart of the African jungles, exercises his priesthood before the tribe of cannibals, and the aristocratic Christian archbishop who officiates in the metropolitan Cathedral of London, Paris or Rome, rest on the same principles; only the religious forms vary.

Jesus, the Divine Rabbi of Galilee, taught all human beings the path of the Truth and the Revolution of the Dialectic.
The Truth was made flesh in Jesus and will become flesh in every man who achieves Integral Revolution.

If we study religions, if we carry out a comparative study of religions, we will find in all of them the worship of the Christ; the only thing that varies are the names which are given to the Christ.

The Divine Rabbi of Galilee has the same attributes of Zeus, Apollo, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl, Lao-Tse, Fu-Ji —the Chinese Christ—, Buddha, etc.

One is amazed when one carries out a comparative study of religions. All these sacred religious personages that personify the Christ are born on the 24th of December at 12 o’clock at night.

All of these sacred personages are sons of immaculate conceptions. All of them are born by the deed and grace of the Holy Spirit; all of them are born from Virgins who are immaculate before childbirth, in childbirth and after childbirth.

The poor and unknown Hebrew woman Mary, mother of the adorable Savior Jesus, the Christ, received the same attributes and cosmic powers of the Goddess isis, Juno, Demeter, Ceres, Vesta, Maia, Adonin, Insobertha, Rea, Cybele, Tonantzin, etc.

All of these feminine deities always represent the Divine Mother, the Eternal Cosmic Feminine.

The Christ is always the son of the Divine Mother and worship is rendered to her by all the holy religions.

Mary is fecundated by the Holy Spirit. Tradition narrates that the Third Logos, in the form of a dove, fecundated the immaculate womb of Mary.

The dove is always a phallic symbol Let us remember Peristhera, nymph of the court of Venus, transformed into a dove by love.

Among the Chinese, the Christ is Fu-Ji, the Chinese Christ who is miraculously born by the deed and grace of the Holy Spirit.

While a virgin named Hoa-Se walked on the river bank, she placed her foot on the footstep of the Great Man; immediately she was affected emotionally seeing herself surrounded by a marvellous splendor and her womb conceived. Twelve years having transpired, on the fourth day of the tenth Moon, at midnight, Fu-Ji was born, thus named in the memory of the river on whose river bank was conceived.

In Ancient Mexico, Christ is Quetzalcoatl, who was the Messiah and transformer of the Toltecs.

One day, while Chimalman was alone with her two sisters, a messenger from heaven appeared to her. The sisters, upon seeing him, die of fright. She, upon hearing from the angel’s mouth that she would conceive a boy, instantly conceived, Quetzalcoatl, the Mexican Christ, without the work of a male.
Among the Japanese, the Christ is Amida, who intercedes before the Supreme Goddess Ten-Sic-Dai-Tain praying for all sinners.

Amida, the Japanese Christ of the Shinto Religion, is the one who has the powers to open the doors of Gokurat, Paradise.

The German Eddas mention the Kthristos, the God of their Theogony, similar to Jesus, born on the 24th of December at midnight, the same as Odin, Wotan and Beleno.

When one studies the Gospel of Krishna, the Hindu Christ, one is astonished upon discovering the same Gospel of Jesus. However, Krishna was born many centuries before Jesus.

Devaki, the Hindu virgin, conceived Krishna by the deed and grace of the Holy Spirit. The child-God Krishna was transported to the stable of Nanden and the gods and angels came to adore him. The life, passion and death of Krishna is similar to that of Jesus.

It is worthwhile to study all religions. The comparative study of religions leads one to comprehend that all religions conserve the eternal values, that no religion is false, that all are true.

All religions talk about the soul, about heaven, hell, etc. The principles are always the same.

Among the Romans, hell was the Avernus; among the Greeks, it was the Tartarus and among the Hindus, the Avitchi, etc.

Heaven, among the Romans and Greeks, was Olympus. Each religion has its heaven…

When the religion of the Eomnn ended, when it degenerated, the priests became soothsayers, jugglers, etc., but the eternal principles did not die; they were robed with the new religious form of Christianity.

The pagan priests, denominated Augur, Druid, Flamen, Hierophant, Dionysius and Sacrificer, were rebaptized in Christianity with the sacred titles of the Clergy Pastors, Prelates, Pope, Anointed, Abbot, Theologian, etc.

The Sibyls, Vestals, Druidesses, Popesses, Deaconesses, Menades, Pythonesses, etc. were in Christianity denominated as Novices, Abbesses, Canonesses, Superior Prelates, Reverends, Sisters, Nuns.

The gods, semi-gods, Titans, Goddesses, Syliphids, Cyclops, Messengers of the gods of ancient religions were rebaptized with the names of Migels, Archangels, Seraphim, Powers, Virtues, Thrones, etc.

If the gods were adored in antiquity, they are also adored now, except with different names.

Religious forms change according to the historical times and the races. Each race needs its special religious form.

People need religion. A people without religion are in fact a totally barbarian, cruel, and pitiless people.

Samael Aun Weor. Excertp from the Book The Revolution of the Dialectic