Search inside the ICQ's Web Site
Follow these tips in the event you need to search for information on our web site
Search Tips
Our Search Engine allows you to generate arbitrary searches, use wild characters, and use key words such as AND, OR, or NOT. You can also make us of several of these key words grouping them together with parenthesis.
For Example:
Reincarnation Dreams
This entry will search for all documents that contain “reincarnation” OR “dreams”.'
Reincarnation OR Dreams
Same as above.
Reincarnation AND Dreams
This entry will search for documents that contain both “reincarnation” and “dreams”.
Reincarnation NOT Dreams
This entry will search for all documents that contain the word “reincarnation” and will exclude all of the ones with the word “dreams”.
(Reincarnation NOT Dreams) AND Karma
This entry will search for documents that contain “karma” and “reincarnation” and will exclude all others that carry the word “dreams”.
This search entry will accept the asterisk as a wild character to generate list of all documents that contain the string “rein…” with all of its variations, i.e. reincarnation, reincarnate, reinforce.