The Great Rebellion

Chapter 11. Darkness

Certainly, one of the most difficult problems of our epoch, is the intricate labyrinth of theories.

Undoubtedly, in these times, pseudo-esoterist and pseudo-occultist schools have multiplied exorbitantly here, there and over there.

The merchandise of souls, of books and theories is frightful, it is rare for anybody to really succeed in finding the secret path, among the cobweb of so many contradictory ideas. Intellective fascination is the gravest of all this; there exists the tendency to nourish ourselves strictly in an intellectual way with all which reaches the mind.

The vagrants of the intellect do not content themselves any more with all the subjective book ware of general type which abounds in book markets, but now, even worse, they also stuff themselves to indigestion with the cheap pseudo-esoterism and pseudo-occultism which abound everywhere like weeds.

The result of all this gibberish is the manifest confusion and disorientation of the rogues of the intellect.

I constantly receive letters and books of all kinds; as usual their senders ask me about this or that school, about this or that book, I limit myself to answer the following: Please, give up mental idleness; you should not be concerned with other people's life, disintegrate the animal “I” of curiosity, you should not be concerned with other people's school, become serious, know yourself, study yourself, observe yourself, etc, etc, etc.

Really, what is important is to know ourselves profoundly in all the levels of the mind.

Darkness is unconsciousness; light is consciousness; we must allow light to penetrate our own darkness; obviously light has power to defeat darkness. Unfortunately, people are self-incarcerated in the fetid and filthy environment of their own mind, adoring their beloved Ego.

People do not want to realize that they are not masters of their own life. Certainly, each person is controlled from within by many other persons. I want to refer emphatically to all that multiplicity of “I”s that we carry within. Ostensibly, each one of those “I”s puts in our mind what we must think, in our mouth what we must say, in our heart what we must feel, etc.

Under such conditions, human personality is just a robot governed by different people who dispute for supremacy and who aspire to the supreme control of the organic machine's capital centres.

In the name of truth, we have to affirm solemnly that the poor intellectual animal mistakenly called man, though believing himself very balanced, lives in complete psychological unbalance. The intellectual mammal is by no means unilateral, if he was so he would be balanced.

The intellectual mammal is regrettably multilateral and this has been demonstrated over and over again.

How could the rational humanoid be balanced? An awake consciousnes is needed for perfect balance to exist.

Only the light of consciousness, directed not from the angles, but in a full, central way upon ourselves, can put an end to contrasts, to contradictions and establish within ourselves true inner balance. If we dissolve the whole of those “I”s that we carry within, there comes the awaking of the consciousness and, as a consequence or corollary, the true balance of our own psyche.

Unfortunately, people do not want to realize the unconsciousness in which they live; they sleep deeply.

If people were awake, each one would feel his fellow men in himself.

If people were awake, our fellow-men would feel us in themselves.

Then, obviously, there would be no wars and the whole Earth would truly be a paradise.

The light of the consciousness, giving us true psychological balance, comes to establish each thing in its place, and what before was in intimate conflict with us, is left in fact in its suitable place. Such is the crowds' unconsciousness that they are not even able to find the relation existing between light and consciousness.

Unquestionably, light and consciousness are two aspects of the same; where there is light there is consciousness.

Unconsciousness is darkness and the latter exists in our interior.

Only through psychological auto-observation do we allow light to penetrate our own darkness.

“The light shines in the darkness but the darkness does not understand”.



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