Audio-conferences and important interventions in TV, and V.M. Samael Aun Weor congresses in MP3 format (in Spanish)
To listen: Click in the link of the Audio conference you want to listen and wait until the file is loaded, (sometimes takes several minutes to start).
To save: If you wish to download the file to your computer and then listen it, (recommended), click with the secondary button and click in “save destination as”, because of the size of the file, it takes some minutes to download.
>You can listen to them with any MP3 player (like Windows Media Player)
Short Messages:
Messages Aquarius 1999 Tv Interview
- Copyright Resignation mp3 (430 kb)
- The Mayan and The Atlantis mp3 (438 kb)
- The meaning of the Sphinx symbol mp3 (408 kb)
- Message for the Missionaries mp3 (221 kb)
- The astral body mp3 (293 kb)
- The fourth dimension mp3 (147 kb)
- The Entropia law mp3 (335 kb)
- The sacred snake mp3 (300 kb)
Audio conferences
- The Knowledge of Oneself , the basis of the Real Knowledge
Part 1(4021 kb) Part 2 (4024 kb)
- Who are we? The search for the real wisdom is in ourself
Part 1 (4484 kb) Part 2 (4112 kb)
- Mind Analysis, Study of the mind, learning to listen
Part 1(4692 kb) Part 2(4669 kb) Part 3 (3705 kb)
- Radio Interview Hermosillo Radio Interview produced in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Year 1977
Part 1 (4646 kb) Part 2 (4651 kb)
- Elemental Gods of the ancient Mexico Tlaloc, Ehecatl, Huehuetetol, Coatlicue, who they are, and their importance
Part 1 (1579 kb) Part 2 (1618 kb) Part 3 (1696 kb)
- Magnificent art of the Serpentines Cultures Ancient cultures, achieved to transmit transcendental teachings through their art
Part 1 (1664 kb) Part 2 (977 kb) Part 3 (1990 kb)
- The Super-Man The Human being objective is to have an integral transformation. Guadalajara Jalisco Congress, 1976
Part 1 (5202 kb)
- UFO Disturbing revelations about the possibility of life in other planets
Part 1 (2219 kb) Part 2 (2223 kb) Part 3 (1697 kb)
- Dialectics Revolution The self respect, the structural analysis, transactional analysis, the self image, etc.
Part 1 (2387 kb) Part 2 (2276 kb) Part 3 (1430 kb) Part 4 (1479 kb)
- To change the way of thinking and feeling If we really want to transform us, we must start by changing our way to feel and think
Part 1 (2168 kb) Part 2 (2173 kb) Part 3 (2287 kb) Part 4 (2163 kb) Part 5 (1436 kb)
- The zodiac belt The journey of our solar system named Ors, by the zodiac belt, and the influences on the human being.