Gnosis - Quetzalcoatl Cultural Institute

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Where do we find the elements to work on our interior Alchemy?

Answer from the V.M. Samael Aun Weor.

1. The principles of all the metals are: Salt, Mercury and Sulphur.

2. Mercury, Sulphur, or Salt alone cannot give origin to the metals. However, when united, they give birth to diverse mineral metals.

3. Therefore, it is logical that our Philosophical Stone must inevitably have these three principles.

4. Sulphur is the fire of Alchemy, Mercury is the Spirit of Alchemy, and Salt is the Mastery of Alchemy.

5. In order to elaborate the red elixir and the white elixir, we inevitably need a substance in which Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury are found completely pure and perfect. This is because the impurity and the imperfection of the alloy is again found in the amalgam.

6. However, nothing can be aggregated to the metals except for the substances that are extracted from them. It is logical that a strange substance cannot serve us. Therefore, the crude matter of the Great Work must be found within ourselves.

7. We perfect the substance (the crude matter) according to the art. This substance is the Sacred Fire of our organic laboratory.

Samael Aun Weor. Excerpt of the book: Treatise of Sexual Alchemy.

Answer from the Magazine "The Wisdom of the Being".

Modern chemistry owes a great deal to the search for the Philosopher's Stone. When the researchers took on the external task of finding it, they were moved by the ambition for gold.

However, alchemy is possible here and now in man's bridal laboratory. Within a legitimate marriage through the sublimation of sexual energies in the microcosm-man.

It is the transformation of the animal man into the super man, converting the heavy metals of low passions into the gold of virtue and in the creation of superior vehicles above the mortal physical body, which grant man consciousness and existence in others levels of the universe.

During the Middle Ages in our western region, there was a feverish flowering of alchemy, which can be traced in texts by Paracelsus, Cagliostro, Bacon, etc. Even Isaac Newton, whose passion for this occult knowledge was as great as for physics, which he embodied in little-known writings on the Bible, theology, and even on Solomon's temple.

The Wisdom of Being Magazine 96, Chapter: "The Fourth Key of Basil Valentin."