Gnosis - Quetzalcoatl Cultural Institute

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Book: The Secret Teachings of the Popol Vuh


The Maya language is abundant in homonyms (each of two words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling).  The reader must rely on their intuition – and not their vane intellect – and apply to them the most relevant meaning, based on the practical application the Popol-Vuh represents in our life.

Ahpu – can be translated as “Magician”, understanding “Magic” as the ability to create influence over our own nature, just as the one who is capable of a radical self-transformation is capable of the dominion of their own nature.  Another suggested definition if “shooter” (as in of a blowpipe or blowpipe).  The blowpipe, just as the flute in Mozart’s composition, has the same meaning: the creative force of the first instant.

Hunahpu – HUN is one, master, supreme; AHPU is magi, thus Master-Magi.  He who has the capability to perform a radical self-transformation.

Ixbalanque – IX means small; BALAN means jaguar, magi, sorcerer, protector; QUIH means Sun.  The academics of the Popol-Vuh have translated it as “little sorcerer”, yet we have chosen to translate it as “Little-Solar-Priest” as the reader will capture the essence of his name with more clarity.

Popol-Vuh – POPOL means council or community; WUJ means book.  Popol-Vuh is The Book of the Council or The Book of the Community, alluding to all (in the council or community) to feel as one Being.

Quiche – (K’iche) is the language of the Maya in which the Popol-Vuh was written.  QUI or QUIY means many; CHE is the land of the many trees.

Xibalba – XIBIL is to disappear as a mirage or as a ghost.  It is also translated as demon or deceased.  These are our psychological defects as well as the underworld that has its equivalent within our subconscious.

Voc or Vac – the Hawk.  The Maya used to call animals based on the sound or noise they articulated.  Voc or Vac is similar to the sound of the hawk.